December 29, 2011


This may be one or the last post of this year, a lot of new stuff to start the 2012 with!The hair I'm wearing is Dido from Mina and it's only available at the Black Market in a 3 color pack and you can get it for 100L! [DDL] Accesories has just released an amazing necklace called Faith, which I totally adore, and I matched it with the ring and the clutch also from this store called Rumor Has It. I remembered I had this Oyakin fur vest f and matched it with the Jolie! at marketplace tights and  the new dress from Bad Romance called The New Year Dress. And you should get two more awesome things: one is free - the N-core boots in brown (join the group!) and the new  Al Vulo! skin called Polly, which makes your face really sweet and feminine! (available @ Private Room Event ).Pose by Marukin.


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